Adrian Lam’s Bold Decision: Leading Leigh Leopards and Australian Rugby League Team

Leigh Leopards Coach Adrian Lam Eyes Dual Role, Seeks Third Consecutive World Cup Title with Kangaroos

In a bold move, Leigh Leopards coach Adrian Lam has expressed his desire to continue his dual role, combining his duties with the Super League club and a position on the Australian coaching staff for the upcoming Rugby League World Cup.

Lam’s association with the Kangaroos dates back to 2016, and he has played a pivotal role in the success of the reigning world champions under the leadership of Mal Meninga. With Meninga recently extending his contract to lead the Australian team through the next World Cup, Lam is eager to be a part of the historic pursuit of a third consecutive title.

“Funnily enough I had a conversation with Mal last week about it, I think he’s been extended by another three years which takes him to the next World Cup and no Australian coach has ever won three World Cups in a row, I’m going to be a part of that and he wants me to be a part of that,” Lam revealed.

The Leigh boss believes that his international involvement not only honors his coaching achievements but also provides valuable benefits to the Super League club.

“That excites me and I want to be a part of that, I’ve talked to the club about that, I think it’s really important for us, it gives us a presence internationally as well and it also keeps one foot in the door with the players that are in the NRL.”

Lam’s long-standing relationship with Meninga has heavily influenced his own coaching philosophies, and he is eager to continue learning from the Kangaroos’ mastermind.

“Mal’s a mentor of mine and a lot of my coaching philosophies are based on what he does and he’s an inspiration to me, so I’m pretty excited about that.”

Furthermore, Lam believes his dual role will provide invaluable insights into the NRL landscape, allowing him to scout potential players and keep abreast of the latest techniques and tactics that could benefit the Leigh Leopards.

“I think it helps, especially knowing their individual strengths and weaknesses but also it helps our club Leigh, that I’ve got a foot in the door there where I’m talking to the NRL players and their latest techniques and tactics, players, youth – all of that certainly helps so it’s a good place to be in.”

The Leigh Leopards and their supporters can look forward to Lam’s continued involvement at the international level, as he aims to contribute to the Kangaroos’ pursuit of a historic three-peat while also driving the Super League club’s ambitions.

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