Salford Red Devils Stand Firm Against Kallum Watkins-Leeds Rhinos Speculations

Salford Red Devils Unfazed by Watkins-Leeds Rhinos Rumours

Salford Red Devils assistant coach Krisnan Inu has dismissed the speculation surrounding captain Kallum Watkins and a potential return to his former club, Leeds Rhinos. Watkins, who played for the Rhinos between 2008 and 2019, has been a key figure in Paul Rowley’s side since joining the Red Devils.

Speaking ahead of Salford’s clash with St Helens, Inu downplayed the rumors, stating, “> I literally heard about it two minutes ago before coming in here. I’ve heard nothing of it.” He emphasized Watkins’ commitment to the club, saying, “> He’s the captain of our club and I don’t see him going anywhere anytime soon.”

Inu believes the rumors are simply attempts to “get in his head,” which he doesn’t expect to work. “> There’s nothing from me, so if you want to ask you can hear it from the man himself,” he said.

During his time with the Rhinos, Watkins made 259 appearances and helped the club win six Grand Finals, two Challenge Cups, and one World Club Challenge. After joining the NRL’s Gold Coast Titans in 2019, he returned to Super League to join the Red Devils in 2021 and has since made 83 appearances for the club.

Since moving to Salford, Watkins has become a crucial part of the team’s success. Inu praised the captain’s form, stating, “> His game speaks for itself. He’s not one to go out in public and tell everyone how good he is, that’s our job. I’ll put it out there, I don’t see anyone outmatching our captain in that position at the moment.”

Watkins’ leadership and contributions have been vital for the Red Devils, and Inu believes the team rallies behind their captain. “> He always puts his hand up to lead that team every week and do his part us to help across the board and everyone just jumps on board,” he said.

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