Rugby League Clubs Relegation Threat: IMG Grading Impact on Super League

Rugby League Clubs Face Relegation Threat Amidst IMG Grading Concerns

Several Super League clubs could be facing the prospect of relegation, as they were ranked as Grade B by IMG’s indicative grading last year. The grading system, which assesses five key pillars – Fandom, Performance, Finances, Stadium, and Community – has left many clubs in a precarious position, with the full details of their standings not yet publicly disclosed.

Castleford Tigers and Huddersfield Giants Face Challenges

Castleford Tigers, originally placed outside the top 12, were vocal in their response, asserting that they should have been ranked 11th with 12.91 points. The club has outlined ambitious plans to achieve a Grade A score by 2025, targeting a 14.25 score by the end of 2024. Their open letter unveiled strategies to improve across various aspects, including securing investment, enhancing their financial performance, and upgrading their stadium facilities.

Huddersfield Giants, initially ranked 9th, may be feeling the pressure as their average attendance has dipped slightly, and they will need to improve their performance to avoid a lower ranking.

Salford Red Devils and Leigh Leopards Aim for Grade A Status

Salford Red Devils, the highest-ranked Grade B side at 8th, will be hoping that the acquisition of their stadium by Salford Council will boost their score, potentially earning them the coveted ‘primacy of tenure’ points.

Leigh Leopards, ranked 12th in the indicative grading, have been candid about their plans to become a Grade A club. Owner Derek Beaumont has projected a score of 15.05, which would secure their place in the top tier of Super League, exempting them from relegation.

As the 2023 season unfolds, these clubs will be closely monitored, with their performances, financial stability, and facility upgrades all crucial factors in determining their final IMG rankings and potential Super League status.

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