RFL Trials Live Concussion Spotter for Super League Grand Final Rematch

Super League Trials Live Concussion Spotter for Grand Final Rematch

In a continued effort to enhance player safety, the Rugby Football League (RFL) will trial a live concussion spotter during tonight’s Super League Grand Final rematch between Wigan Warriors and Catalans Dragons.

The new system will involve a spotter positioned inside the Sky ‘bunker’ alongside the video referee, granting them access to various camera angles and replays. If the spotter suspects a player has sustained a potential concussion or head injury, the incident will be immediately clipped and sent to the relevant club’s pitch-side doctor for a live review.

The club doctor will then make the clinical decision on whether to remove the player for a Head Injury Assessment.

“In the past, what we’ve been reliant upon was the live camera staying on the player in question to check the signs and symptoms that player may be displaying,” explained the RFL’s Robert Hicks. “We’re hoping in the next couple of weeks that the live spotter will increase from one game a round, to a couple, to hopefully every game.”

Hicks believes the trial will lead to more players being withdrawn from the action, though not necessarily an increase in diagnosed concussions.

“There’ll be more players come off in the coming weeks,” he admitted. “The main driver is it remains with the club doctor to take the player off. All the trial does is provide footage to look at that player and piece it together with information they get with player on the day.”

The RFL’s goal is to further improve player health and safety through this innovative approach to concussion monitoring and management in rugby league.

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