Leeds Rhinos’ Hunt for New Sporting Director Amid Struggles

Rugby League News: Leeds Rhinos Seek New Sporting Director Amid Challenging Season

Leeds, England – The Leeds Rhinos are facing a difficult campaign on the pitch, having invested heavily in the offseason only to underperform in their 12 Super League fixtures so far. With a record of six wins, the nature of the team’s performances has drawn criticism, leading to a vocal section of the club’s fan base calling for a change in head coaching.

In response to their challenging start, the Rhinos have announced the search for a new Sporting Director. This role was previously held by Leeds legend, Kevin Sinfield, who has been linked with a potential return since the news was made public.

Speaking to the Yorkshire Evening Post, Rhinos Chief Executive Gary Hetherington discussed the evolution of the Sporting Director position and his expectations for the new appointee. “Kevin was brought in to effectively oversee all the rugby league operation, which he did,” Hetherington explained. “Since he left, it has got even bigger and more involved, and more demanding in some respects, because there’s a lot more protocols with the RFL and so on. The whole thing has expanded.”

Hetherington went on to discuss the working relationship between the Sporting Director and the executive team, stating, “When Kevin did the job, I basically stepped out of it altogether. People thought I had real difficulty doing that, but I didn’t because there’s plenty of other things to be occupied and involved with. Kevin effectively reported to me, as all the other executive directors do, but they are all very competent and need very little management. What they get from me is support, primarily. That will be the position with the new person who comes in.”

The search for a new Sporting Director at Leeds Rhinos aims to provide a fresh perspective and leadership as the club navigates a challenging season and looks to address the concerns of its passionate fan base.

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