Former Leeds Rhinos Captain Trent Merrin Arrested for Domestic Violence Order Breach

Former Leeds Rhinos Captain Trent Merrin Arrested in Australia for Breach of Domestic Violence Order

Trent Merrin, the former captain of the Leeds Rhinos rugby league team, has been arrested in Australia for allegedly breaching an apprehended domestic violence (AVO) order. Merrin, who played for and captained the Leeds Rhinos in 2019, claims he breached the order after driving past his house to check if a ‘For Sale’ sign had been removed.

According to reports, the conditions of Merrin’s AVO, which was issued in May for a verbal altercation with his former partner, prohibit him from going within 50 meters of the property. However, Merrin stated that he believed he was allowed on the street for matters related to the sale of the property.

After being spotted on the street, Merrin was arrested and interviewed at the Illawarra Police Station. He was subsequently bailed and is set to appear in court later this month. Merrin has vowed to fight the charge, describing it as “another chapter in this long saga that has been my life for the past 12 months.”

Despite the well-publicized personal issues Merrin has faced since retiring from rugby league, he is determined to use his experiences to help other players. He has launched Azure Partners, a company aimed at addressing the problem of player welfare and mental health struggles within the sport. Merrin also co-hosts “The Lost Boys” podcast, where he and former teammate Jake Marketo discuss men’s suicide, domestic violence, and relationships.

Merrin’s arrest is a setback in his efforts to positively channel his energy and assist retired players. As he faces this latest personal challenge in court, the conditions of his AVO and the terms within it will likely be a crucial factor in determining the outcome of the case.

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