Crafting the Ultimate Rugby League Player with Wigan’s Liam Farrell

Crafting the Perfect Rugby League Player: Wigan Captain Liam Farrell’s All-Star Selection

In a captivating new feature set to debut on Love Rugby League in 2024, the publication will invite past and present players to envision their dream rugby league player, built from a selection of crucial on-field attributes.

Kicking things off, Wigan Warriors captain and England international Liam Farrell has shared his ultimate all-star lineup, covering the key skills of passing, kicking, speed, tackling, and rugby intelligence.

Farrell’s Perfect Player

Rugby IQ: Lee Briers

“From working with him recently, Lee Briers. Just the thought and detail he put into his coaching.. I’m guessing that was just him relaying it on from when he was a player. He is very smart and had slight tweaks to his game plans every time we played a different team and you could just say he is a very smart bloke when it comes to rugby.”

Passing: Matty Bowen

“Passing is a skill and I always say the most skilful player I played with was Matty Bowen. The passing ability comes under skill, and Matty Bowen was definitely one of the most skilful players I have ever played with.”

Kicking: Pat Richards

“I’ve got two complete contrasts here. I’ve got Harry (Smith) who I play with now, in-field (kicking) he is brilliant, he is probably one of the best in the league and then Pat Richards (for goal-kicking). I think I’ll go with Paddy, he came up with some unbelievable moments. In training, we’d send him in the middle of the field and it’d be the last play and we’d just get him to put up spiral kicks. I remember in 2010 he was just untouchable with the ball in hand and then with his kicking.”

Speed: Jai Field

“There’s been some fast players in my time, Jai (Field), Bevan (French).. Pick either of them, they are like lightning. I’m going to go with Jai. If we’re talking 10 or 20 metres then no-one touches Bevan but if we’re talking 100 metres then Jai.”

Tackling: Tommy Leuluai

“Tommy Leuluai, 100 per cent. No one comes close! Growing up as a kid, the (Maurie) Fa’asavalu tackle is still in my memory bank now and then obviously playing with him, seeing him tackle so many people.. Sometimes he’d come out of the tackle and he’d hurt himself but he wasn’t bothered, he loved that side of the game.”

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