Chris Satae Set to Stay with Catalans Dragons in 2025: Latest Rugby League News

Rugby League: Chris Satae Staying Put at Catalans Dragons in 2025, Reports Suggest

Contrary to recent speculation, Chris Satae will not be rejoining Hull FC in 2025, according to reports emerging from France. Leading French publication L’Indépendant has dismissed the rumours as “unfounded,” stating that the 31-year-old prop forward is set to honour the second year of his two-year deal with Catalans Dragons next season.

The reports indicate that Satae, who had been linked with a potential move back to Hull FC as part of the club’s major squad rebuild for 2025 and beyond, has not expressed any desire to leave France. The publication clearly states, “> Chris Satae (31 years old), under contract in 2025 with the Dracs, never expressed the idea of leaving France, contrary to this unfounded rumor, which sent him to Hull FC.”

Meanwhile, the article also confirms that both Hull FC and Catalans Dragons have held talks with the representatives of Elliott Whitehead, who is leaving the Canberra Raiders after a successful NRL career. The potential move would mark a return to Perpignan for Whitehead, who spent the early part of his career with the French club after signing from the Bradford Bulls.

If Whitehead does join the Catalans Dragons, he would be lining up alongside Satae, who appears set to remain with the club for the 2025 season, according to the latest reports from the French media.

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